And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Little Old Lady(s) from Pasadena

I am so bored. The past few minutes I have been burning the midnight oil wrirting my thesis and a Philosophy of Science midterm. Now that I have the rough draft of my second chapter and my midterm turned in, I don't quite know what to do with myself. Sure, I could start on the second half of my thesis chapter, but, I ask, "where's the fun?" So, here I am at 9:45pm on a Weddnesday night, not knowing what to do with myself. La la la.

Okay, I must do something. Anything. I have watched every season of Simpsons that I own in the past few weeks. I have seen all my movies a hundre times. I don't want to do anything productive. Damn it!

Oh, good news though. It looks like Nat might be working for Scripps admissions next (please God!), so we might end up living in Pasadena together. Woo hoo! We would have so much fun! There's no way I would get bored, then. Now, I just need a job...

By the way, I have decided to name my posts after songs from now on. We'll see how long that lasts... :-)



  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Chris Burzlaff said…

    Sounds like someone needs some more movies or tv shows to own or borrow.

  • At 1:34 PM, Blogger Jess said…

    Definitely. Wanna loan me some???

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Me said…

    He doesn't have any good ones. You know, you could email me your thesis thingy so I could read it and then point out all the flaws in your arguing, and then you could revise it. Or you could start writing the screenplay of my idea of the person who invents his entire world. See, plenty of stuff to do.

    And I thought Natalie was moving to Bako to hang out with the cool people.


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