And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Hump Day to me!

* An addendum to this post: In the time between typing this out, finding mistakes, editing it, and writing this addendum, my boss has officially made me cry. Those who know me well know this is no easy feat. I rarely, if ever, cry. So, bravo, Mark. I'm over it now and looking back on the experience, I must give the man some slow claps. He worked hard (read: was mean) to make me cry (although, he doesn't know he did it--I hope). I guess this means my grace period with him is up.*

I am having a case of the Mondays, again. Except that it's Wednesday. I have found a pattern: When I have a good night/ weekend, my next day at work sucks. What is with that? Today has been a lot like Monday in that nothing super/duper bad has happened, I have just been on edge all day, like I am waiting for something to happen. Only in the last hour or so have I given myself a break and started feeling better. I don't mean to use this to bitch about my job, but basically all I do is work, so I really have nothing else to talk about (at least nothing that I can talk about in a public forum). I think it will start getting better in the next few weeks. It will just take time. Although, I think I have successfully annoyed the crap out of one of my co-workers. Go me.

Anyway, I do actually have other things on my mind at the moment. First of all, last night was great. It started out with almost plowing into a celebrity, which is always fun. I was going down Melrose on my way home from work and I see all these paparazzi on the street in front of some club or something. Then, I see a valet wave someone across, so I slam on my breaks. Just then, Jack Osbourne crosses the street about 10 ft. ahead of my car. I guess the valet guy waving him across didn't see me. So yeah, that was fun.

When I got home, Natalie had made salmon, garlic spinach, and these awesome mushrooms. It was delicious. We had some (read: a bottle) of wine and just talked for a few hours. It was great to have a girl's night. We both needed it, I think. But it all just made getting up this morning that much more dificult (not the wine, that was okay).

The other thing that has been on my mind and the topic of conversation a lot recently is the alleged Suri Cruise. What's going on there? I mean, there is all this hoopla about the birth and then-- NOTHING. I totally understand not wanting to subject your newborn baby to the media circus that is TomKat (bleh), but it is so inconsistant with Tom Cruise's recent behavior. It seems like no one, the couple's friends, know what is going on. Hmm...interessante. Interessante indeed.

Well, work beckons. Maybe it will make the last two hours or so go by faster. At least, I hope it will. By the way, ten hour days (especially when you don't get a lunch because of some training thing that wasn't helpful at all) suck. A lot. That is all.



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