Thank you for being a friend
It was recently brought to my attention that I don't update nearly as often as I should (ahem, Becca). In my defense, I go to Starbucks to write and I am much too cheap to spend $10 on 24 hours of internet access. Otherwise, while I am home I am not usually on my computer long enough to update. That, and I am completely boring and don't really have anything worth updating. I always manage to think of witty observations, gripes and things to say while I am sitting in traffic, in the shower, or drifting off to sleep. Unfortunately, by the time I get someplace where I am in a position to write it down, I always forget what I was going to say.
All I can think of to comment on at the moment is the utter brillance of The Golden Girls. I know a lot of people don't like it or can't appreciate it, but it really is absolutely brilliant. Talk about clever writing. Feel free to debate this with me in the comments section. Otherwise, I am pretty tuckered out. Carly, Becca and I hit up the VIP Lounge tonight for drinks and conversation. Barring a slightly awkward incident involving someone caressing Becca's inner thigh and poking Carly repeatedly, it was a pretty low-key evening. I would even go out on a limb and suggest this as somewhat of a regular hang out for the Bako gang. Of course, it's no Fishlips, but it has good music, isn't too loud or rowdy, and has cheap drinks. So, there you go. What else is there to look for in a bar?
I probably won't update again for the rest of the week, so I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving (whether you like the holiday or not)!
All I can think of to comment on at the moment is the utter brillance of The Golden Girls. I know a lot of people don't like it or can't appreciate it, but it really is absolutely brilliant. Talk about clever writing. Feel free to debate this with me in the comments section. Otherwise, I am pretty tuckered out. Carly, Becca and I hit up the VIP Lounge tonight for drinks and conversation. Barring a slightly awkward incident involving someone caressing Becca's inner thigh and poking Carly repeatedly, it was a pretty low-key evening. I would even go out on a limb and suggest this as somewhat of a regular hang out for the Bako gang. Of course, it's no Fishlips, but it has good music, isn't too loud or rowdy, and has cheap drinks. So, there you go. What else is there to look for in a bar?
I probably won't update again for the rest of the week, so I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving (whether you like the holiday or not)!
At 11:31 AM,
Rachel said…
becca got her inner thigh caressed? hahahaha I'm so sad I missed that one!
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