Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight
I was re-reading my last post and noticed a lot of errors. I appologize.
Anyway, after my pathetic post from Wednesday, my week picked up a bit. Thursday night I went to LindyGroove with Natalie Martin and Robert. It was so nice, a total Bako reunion. I was going to take the week off from LG to give Eric and I some space, but when Nat and Rob said they were coming, I couldn't miss that opportunity. It was pretty awkward with Eric, but I'm sure that will fade over time. Hopefully, we'll be able to be friends and dance again someday. Until then, though, I am still going to go dancing and have fun.
Friday night, I hung out with Nat Miller, Rebecca, Kristi and Nic. We had such a blast until I literally feel on my ass in front of everyone at Pomona and decided to go home. Seriously, though, it was so nice hanging out with four such strong, beautiful women. I am going to miss that so much next year. Hell, I am going to miss that four months from now. Ah, I can't think about it...
Yesterday I went to see a play for my Acting for Film and Television class with my friend David. The play was... good. Well, the elements of the play were good, like the acting, the set, the lighting, etc. I just had some problems with the script. Overall, though, the three women who carried the show were so impressive. It made me miss acting.
Well, again, I am writing here to procrastinate from doing "real" work. I desparately need to get going on the English half of my second chapter. Unfortunately, there isn't anyone breathing down my neck about it like for Philosophy, so I am finding it very hard to get motivated. My goal for today is to get a decent, thorough outline done and get the chapter written in the next few days. Wish me luck!
Anyway, after my pathetic post from Wednesday, my week picked up a bit. Thursday night I went to LindyGroove with Natalie Martin and Robert. It was so nice, a total Bako reunion. I was going to take the week off from LG to give Eric and I some space, but when Nat and Rob said they were coming, I couldn't miss that opportunity. It was pretty awkward with Eric, but I'm sure that will fade over time. Hopefully, we'll be able to be friends and dance again someday. Until then, though, I am still going to go dancing and have fun.
Friday night, I hung out with Nat Miller, Rebecca, Kristi and Nic. We had such a blast until I literally feel on my ass in front of everyone at Pomona and decided to go home. Seriously, though, it was so nice hanging out with four such strong, beautiful women. I am going to miss that so much next year. Hell, I am going to miss that four months from now. Ah, I can't think about it...
Yesterday I went to see a play for my Acting for Film and Television class with my friend David. The play was... good. Well, the elements of the play were good, like the acting, the set, the lighting, etc. I just had some problems with the script. Overall, though, the three women who carried the show were so impressive. It made me miss acting.
Well, again, I am writing here to procrastinate from doing "real" work. I desparately need to get going on the English half of my second chapter. Unfortunately, there isn't anyone breathing down my neck about it like for Philosophy, so I am finding it very hard to get motivated. My goal for today is to get a decent, thorough outline done and get the chapter written in the next few days. Wish me luck!
At 11:57 AM,
Chris Burzlaff said…
Good song title.
At 1:33 PM,
Jess said…
Thank you! It didn't really have anything to do with the post, I have just been listening to it A LOT. Have you heard any of Amos Lee's other stuff? It's really good. I'll bring some home with my next time I'm in town. :)
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