And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lame Survey Time!

This might be slightly premature and annoying, but I thought I would post it anyway since I am bored.


1. Have you had any relationships this year?
I am going to assume this refers to "romantic" relationships. The answer to that would be yes. Yes I have.

2. Have you had your birthday yet?
September 5, as always.

3. Seen Happy Feet yet?
nope. I'll probably rent it.

4. Been on a diet?
Kinda/sorta. More just watching what I eat. Diets don't work.

5. Pulled an all nighter?
One or two for thesis I believe. No more and never again.

6. Drank Starbucks?
More times than I'd like to admit.

7. Went Camping?
Nope. I'm shooting for 2007.

8. Bought something(s)
What kind of stupid question is this?

9. Met someone special?
Again, I can only assume this refers to someone in the "romantic" sense, so in that case I will say that I already knew this "Special person," but only learned how "special" he truly is in 2006. How's that for a long-winded answer?

10. Been out of state?
Yes, a few times! Mexico and Oregon.

11. Gone Snowboarding?
Nope. A) I ski and B) I'm going in March 2007 (probably).

12. What are you thinking about?
The work I am procrastinating from doing.

Have you...

1.) Hugged someone?
Several people. Some of them complete strangers!

2.) Slept in someone elses bed?
hehehe definitely.

3.) Drank any alchohol?
Um, yes.

4.) Loaned out money?
Probably. Nothing big.

5.) Gotten in a car accident?
No, thank God. Have had some car trouble, though.

6.) Gone over your cell phone bill?
Nope. Thank God for roll-over minutes!

7.) Been called a whore?
Ah, no.

8.) Done something you regret?
I pretty much don't regret things, so no.

Last Person you hugged?
Becca, believe it or not.

Last Person to call you?
My mom.

When was the last time you felt stupid?
Um, I feel stupid pretty much every other minute.

Who was the last person you danced with?
Chris or Natalie, depending on the type of dancing.

Who did you last yell at?
Probably my mom, but it has been a while since I really yelled at anyone.

What did you do today?
Woke up, drove to work, now I am at work. That is pretty much it.

01. Birthday?
Haven't we gone over this?

02. Natural hair color?
Dark blonde

03. Initials?

04. Hair style?
I'm growing it out, but it is shoulder-length with some layers.

5. eye color?
Blue/green/grey depending on what I am wearing.

06. Height:

07. Pets:
None in my immediate vicinity, but Sadie and Emma at home.

08. Mood:
Eh. Bleh.

09. Where would you rather be?
Home vegging out.

10. Last thing you drank?


01. Have you ever been in love:

02. Do you believe in love?
Of course.

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail?
Grew apart (stock answer)

04. Have you ever been heartbroken:
Of course.

05. Have you ever broken someone's heart:
Maybe... I don't break and tell.

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
I have fallen for a very close, good friend.

07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them?
That's not really my style. I much prefer to put myself out there when I like someone and get shot down and feel like an idiot. It's great. I really reccommend it.

08. Are you afraid of commitment?

10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?
I don't think I've even had five. I would say three.


01. Are you missing someone right now?
I am missing a lot of people in different ways right now.

02. Are you happy?
Sure, why not?

03. Are you eating anything?
Nope. Just finished my delicious Lean Cuisine (please note the sarcasm)

04. Do you love someone right now?
I love a lot of people. My friends, my family, my dog, and my cat (though, not as much. j/k)... I think that pretty much covers it.


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