Dancing the Night Away
Last night was the most fun I have had in quite a while. Natlie (co-RA henceforth referred to as Nat), our friend Cate and I all went to LindyGroove in Pasadena to go swing dancing (this is a picture of us taken right before we left. It's not the greatest, but you get the idea. Cate is on the right and Nat is on the left). Natalie (from Bako henceforth referred to as Natalie) met us there and it was amazing.
We started the evening by having dinner at Sharky's, a health food Mexican place kind of like Baja Fresh. It was very good :-). Then, we headed over to the Masonic Temple where LindyGroove takes place, but unfortunately we were too early. To pass the time, Nat suggests we walk over to the Sheraton and have a drink. So, we did. Let me tell you, hotel bars are a great place for people watching. There was a woman at the bar who was obviously there to pick up men. She had (what appeared to be) brand spanking new breasts and was wearing the lowest cut shirt and glared at the three of us from the moment we walked in. People like that crack me up. Really, are we really a threat to you and your scary boobs? No.
Anyway, so we headed back to LG for our lesson (as Nat and Cate had never danced before). When we got to the partnering up part of the dance, my partner turns to me and says, "How ironic that we would be paired together. How are you, Jessica?" Of course, this freaks me out! How does the guy know my name? Turns out, his name is Anthony and when I was senior in high school and he was a freshman, I had directed him in Guys and Dolls at BHS. Crazy. He looked so much more grown up that I hadn't even recognized him. Small world.
Finally, the free dancing started. At first, no one was asking us to dance. That is, no one except Zeke. Zeke was an older gentleman (had to be pushing 80 at least) who was built something like a hobbit. He took quite a shine to Nat and kept asking her to dance. The whole night. At first, he was this cute old man who was a pretty good dancer and kinda... Different. By the end of the night, he had told her they were "sexy" dancing, asked if she was 16 (which just makes him that much creepier), kissed her neck, and cupped her ass (her words, not mine). By the way, his name was not actually Zeke. That's just what we dubbed him. Some guys are so nasty. There was one other creepy guy, we called him blue flame shirt guy, who also kissed Nat on the cheek and put his head on her boobs. Unfortunately, I danced with him as well, and he definitely doesn't have any concept of personal space, that's for sure. The rest of the guys there were fine, though.
Finally, Natalie showed up (after CSI) at about 10:15. Of course, right away she was out there tearing up the dance floor. During a rare break, we spotted two girls who looks eerily familiar. Finally we realized the two girls were Lauren Shenkman and Andrea (don't know her last name) from high school. Lauren looks totally different. Not that she wasn't beautiful before, but she is absolutely gorgeous now! So we chatted for a while. I was so stunned to have run into THREE people from BHS accidentally (Natalie doesn't count because I invited her) that I wasn't very eloquent while talking to Lauren or Andrea. What a small, small, small, small world.
So, yes, much fun was had at the LindyGroove last night. Nat and Cate want to go back next week, which is fine with me. It's a great source of exercise, and a great self-esteem booster as well! Plus, you can't find anywhere with better people watching (except maybe a hotel bar).
I'm off to a meeting. Hope you all are having a happy Friday! Later Gators!
At 7:09 PM,
Rachel said…
what fun! I enjoy people watching as well....
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