What a weekend
This past weekend was so much fun. I really needed it after being stuck on campus all of last weekend. And I will be stuck on campus all of this coming weekend, so I needed this to prepare me.
Friday night, I went with Sara, her brother, Abby, and Kelly to SCAM Fest, which I love. It is the Southern California Acapella Music Festival and last year it was amazing. It was good this year, too, but not as. There were groups from all over campus as well as UCLA, USC, and UCSD. I have to say (Rachel, don't hate me), but the groups from USC were the best. Them and, of course, The Shades, Claremont's premier acapella group. My neighbor and, I like to think, friend Barb sang a Sheryl Crow song at the end and she sounded amazing!
After the show, Nat and I were bored so we headed over to the illustrious Press. We hadn't been sitting for five minutes when these two older, mildly creepy guys asked if they could join us. At first, it was a little flattering, then they opened their mouths. They were using double negatives, using "at" at the end of sentences, and, to top it all off, telling racist jokes. Now, I probably sound like a terrible elitist, but double negatives and using "at" at the end of sentences are two of my biggest pet peeves. And as far as racist jokes go, you might be able to get away with some genuinely funny ones in a close, intimate group of friends, but telling them to perfect strangers, especially ones you are hitting on, is not a good move. At all. Sadly, they wouldn't leave us alone. Yikes. So, Nat called her friend Galen to come rescue us, and it worked. We then headed over to the CMC apartments, which I had never been to, and hung out. Galen introduced me to Rejected (My spoon is too big!)and Billy's Balloon (what the hell was this guy on?). Sick. Sadistic. Twisted. Awesome.
Saturday, Kira (bless her heart) hung out with me while I did menial tasks like laundry and getting my hair cut. Saturday night, our swing dance friend Eric drove in from wherever it is he lives and came with us to the Swing Jam at Pomona. It was fun, but not anything like LindyGroove. The band was good and there were actually some amazing dancers, but it was so clickish and I felt awkward whenever I didn't have anyone to dance with, which doesn't happen at LindyGroove. Eric was a sweetheart and danced with me a lot, which I appreciated. Overall, it was nice. Afterwards, Nat, Eric and I headed back to the CMC apartments and hung out with some of Nat's friends. Eric and I got roped into a game of beer pong (fortunately, it wasn't strip beer pong like it was when we first arrived). I was tired and not really getting into the spirit of things so I left early. Eric accompanied me back and we ended watching Swingers (which is quickly becoming my favorite movie of all time) in my room until 3:30am, when I finally kicked him out. I love making friends outside of Claremont, especially if I end up staying here after graduation.
Today, I wrote my 15 page fiction paper that I had been neglecting and spent the whole of my day in my room. Tonight, Galen came over and he and Nat and I ordered a pizza and hung out. Very cool. Again, I am so happy that Galen and I are friends now because, though he went to CMC, he is technically an outside-of-Claremont friend now that he is moving to LA. I'm just racking them up!
Well, I am going to go back downstairs and join the gang for Desparate Housewives. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Friday night, I went with Sara, her brother, Abby, and Kelly to SCAM Fest, which I love. It is the Southern California Acapella Music Festival and last year it was amazing. It was good this year, too, but not as. There were groups from all over campus as well as UCLA, USC, and UCSD. I have to say (Rachel, don't hate me), but the groups from USC were the best. Them and, of course, The Shades, Claremont's premier acapella group. My neighbor and, I like to think, friend Barb sang a Sheryl Crow song at the end and she sounded amazing!
After the show, Nat and I were bored so we headed over to the illustrious Press. We hadn't been sitting for five minutes when these two older, mildly creepy guys asked if they could join us. At first, it was a little flattering, then they opened their mouths. They were using double negatives, using "at" at the end of sentences, and, to top it all off, telling racist jokes. Now, I probably sound like a terrible elitist, but double negatives and using "at" at the end of sentences are two of my biggest pet peeves. And as far as racist jokes go, you might be able to get away with some genuinely funny ones in a close, intimate group of friends, but telling them to perfect strangers, especially ones you are hitting on, is not a good move. At all. Sadly, they wouldn't leave us alone. Yikes. So, Nat called her friend Galen to come rescue us, and it worked. We then headed over to the CMC apartments, which I had never been to, and hung out. Galen introduced me to Rejected (My spoon is too big!)and Billy's Balloon (what the hell was this guy on?). Sick. Sadistic. Twisted. Awesome.
Saturday, Kira (bless her heart) hung out with me while I did menial tasks like laundry and getting my hair cut. Saturday night, our swing dance friend Eric drove in from wherever it is he lives and came with us to the Swing Jam at Pomona. It was fun, but not anything like LindyGroove. The band was good and there were actually some amazing dancers, but it was so clickish and I felt awkward whenever I didn't have anyone to dance with, which doesn't happen at LindyGroove. Eric was a sweetheart and danced with me a lot, which I appreciated. Overall, it was nice. Afterwards, Nat, Eric and I headed back to the CMC apartments and hung out with some of Nat's friends. Eric and I got roped into a game of beer pong (fortunately, it wasn't strip beer pong like it was when we first arrived). I was tired and not really getting into the spirit of things so I left early. Eric accompanied me back and we ended watching Swingers (which is quickly becoming my favorite movie of all time) in my room until 3:30am, when I finally kicked him out. I love making friends outside of Claremont, especially if I end up staying here after graduation.
Today, I wrote my 15 page fiction paper that I had been neglecting and spent the whole of my day in my room. Tonight, Galen came over and he and Nat and I ordered a pizza and hung out. Very cool. Again, I am so happy that Galen and I are friends now because, though he went to CMC, he is technically an outside-of-Claremont friend now that he is moving to LA. I'm just racking them up!
Well, I am going to go back downstairs and join the gang for Desparate Housewives. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
At 11:06 PM,
rob said…
Ah, you discovered Don Hertzfeldt. Absolutely genius. The work he goes through to make those short films is mind boggling.
At 8:30 AM,
David Tellez said…
WOW! What an amazing weekend! I'm super jealous! LOL...I love acapella music! Ever since the good ol' Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego. Remember that group? They were so awesome...
And speaking of things that are awesome, how in the world of Carmen San Diego (oh, you like how I did that, huh? LOL...) did you write a 15 page paper in a day? It takes me forever to write just a 5 page paper...I totally tip my hat off to you...
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