I'm so bored!
Well, it's my second night on duty and therefore forced on campus. I did get a few hours off campus today, but they were spent at the library. At least I got a lot of research done. Actually, it hasn't been bad at all *knock on wood*. Of course, tonight are all the Halloween parties-- yay. Chelsea is coming over at 9 and we are going to watch movies and eat our weight in junk food. The pizza's already on its way.
I have gotten a lot of work done, so that's good. But now, when I should be working on the first draft of my first thesis chapter, I am so unmotivated and bored. All I want to do is watch the Fraiser episodes I borrowed from Sara. I didn't think I would mind being banished to my room tonight, but as I was walking around I saw everyone getting ready to out and I felt a pang. It's my last Halloween in college, and I am going to be sitting in my room-- albeit, with great company. I know I went out on Thursday, but that wasn't a typical "college" Halloween. But, compared to my past three college Halloweens, tonight should be awesome. I rented It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Scotland, P.A., and Clue for our viewing pleasure tonight. So, barring alcohol poisonings, it should be a fabulous night.
In the interest of living vicariously through all of you, please comment on this post and tell me about your favorite Halloween memory. It could be something that happened, a costume, anything. I am really curious, so please take five minutes and help a girl out!
I hope everyone has a great night and I hope I get some sleep!
I have gotten a lot of work done, so that's good. But now, when I should be working on the first draft of my first thesis chapter, I am so unmotivated and bored. All I want to do is watch the Fraiser episodes I borrowed from Sara. I didn't think I would mind being banished to my room tonight, but as I was walking around I saw everyone getting ready to out and I felt a pang. It's my last Halloween in college, and I am going to be sitting in my room-- albeit, with great company. I know I went out on Thursday, but that wasn't a typical "college" Halloween. But, compared to my past three college Halloweens, tonight should be awesome. I rented It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Scotland, P.A., and Clue for our viewing pleasure tonight. So, barring alcohol poisonings, it should be a fabulous night.
In the interest of living vicariously through all of you, please comment on this post and tell me about your favorite Halloween memory. It could be something that happened, a costume, anything. I am really curious, so please take five minutes and help a girl out!
I hope everyone has a great night and I hope I get some sleep!
At 9:08 PM,
Rachel said…
woot scotland PA! I don't really have a fav holloween memory... but i am excited about this one (I'm actually going to a party on halloween, shocker).
At 9:00 AM,
Me said…
I agree, Scotland, PA! And Clue. And since Halloween usually fell on Fall Break, I generally spent it playing video games for about four days straight.
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