Lindy Groovin'
Last night was such a blast. Nat and I went to the Lindy Groove Costume Halloween Party. We thought we'd gotten into it, but wow. Some people were crazy! Here are some pics so you can see for yourself. Nat and I went as Greek Goddesses-- she the goddess of wine and I the goddess of love. We made our costumes from scratch, and not only were the cheap but I think they turned out great! Except for some fraying by the end of the night, they were awesome. They also didn't fall off (although, I do think I indecently exposed some of my upper half at one point). We even had a motto: "I'm the goddess of love and she's the goddess of wine. Put us together, you'll have a real good time!" We thought this was hilarious. It became less funny as the night wore on and more people called us a drunken hook-up. *sigh*
The photos really do justice to the night. There's not much else to say, except that we saw all the usual suspects (none of whom showed at Memories last week :-P), and it was fun. Kelli looked beautiful although I am not sure what to call her costume. Sam also looked great a a flapper. Kristi was an 80's punk chick and it looked amazing! You can't see in the pics, but she had on fabulous homemade leg warmers. Eric came as Clark Kent, and I am not sure if he was trying to be clever, but there were at least three other Clark Kents there. There were also two other Greek goddesses there, but I think Nat's and my costumes kicked their costume's ass. All over the room. But, I'm biased.
After the dance, Eric, Nat and I headed over to the Sherton, as per tradition, and had a drink. It was mostly fun just chatting with Eric and getting to know him outside of LG. He's a great guy, and I'm so happy that we are making all kinds of new friends. He also gives amazing back rubs, but that's beside the point...
It was a great night. Everything I hoped it would be. Never have a worn a toga for any extended amount of time, but I feel as though it is something I should experience as a college student. Maybe I have just seen Animal house too many times.
Anyway, no good night goes unpunished, and as such I woke up this morning (afternoon) with a head cold. Yay. Especially because I am on duty this weekend and probably won't get much sleep. I have to say, I am quite nervous about tonight and tomorrow night. I am on pager one, which means that if anything happens (which it inevitably will) I am the first one they call. Those who know me well know I don't "do" vomit, and, unfortunately, most of the calls I anticipate are going to be alcohol poisonings. Woot.
All right, this weekend is also going to be dedicated to thesis and fiction writing. I just hope I actually some work done. So far today, all I have done is play aroud on my computer. Hence this update. Ahhh! Must do work... must do work...
Hope you all have a grand weekend!
The photos really do justice to the night. There's not much else to say, except that we saw all the usual suspects (none of whom showed at Memories last week :-P), and it was fun. Kelli looked beautiful although I am not sure what to call her costume. Sam also looked great a a flapper. Kristi was an 80's punk chick and it looked amazing! You can't see in the pics, but she had on fabulous homemade leg warmers. Eric came as Clark Kent, and I am not sure if he was trying to be clever, but there were at least three other Clark Kents there. There were also two other Greek goddesses there, but I think Nat's and my costumes kicked their costume's ass. All over the room. But, I'm biased.
After the dance, Eric, Nat and I headed over to the Sherton, as per tradition, and had a drink. It was mostly fun just chatting with Eric and getting to know him outside of LG. He's a great guy, and I'm so happy that we are making all kinds of new friends. He also gives amazing back rubs, but that's beside the point...
It was a great night. Everything I hoped it would be. Never have a worn a toga for any extended amount of time, but I feel as though it is something I should experience as a college student. Maybe I have just seen Animal house too many times.
Anyway, no good night goes unpunished, and as such I woke up this morning (afternoon) with a head cold. Yay. Especially because I am on duty this weekend and probably won't get much sleep. I have to say, I am quite nervous about tonight and tomorrow night. I am on pager one, which means that if anything happens (which it inevitably will) I am the first one they call. Those who know me well know I don't "do" vomit, and, unfortunately, most of the calls I anticipate are going to be alcohol poisonings. Woot.
All right, this weekend is also going to be dedicated to thesis and fiction writing. I just hope I actually some work done. So far today, all I have done is play aroud on my computer. Hence this update. Ahhh! Must do work... must do work...
Hope you all have a grand weekend!
At 4:53 PM,
Me said…
Cool costumes, but they're nothing next to Becca the Jedi! And I still think Nat should have gone as a glass of wine, that would have rocked!
At 7:37 PM,
Jess said…
We actually looked at a martini costume at Spencers, but we had already bought all the stuff for our goddess costumes. There's always next year, of course!
At 8:44 AM,
Chris Burzlaff said…
Yeah, people definately go all out at LindyGroove. It's fun to just go and see how much time/money/effort people put into their costumes. The yeti was an awesome costume.
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