Lame Survey Time!
I am really bored at work, so I am subjecting you all to a survey. Hahahaha!
1. My ex is...
less than 20 feet away. Sweet. <--- I'm sarcasting.
2. I am listening to...
People talking/typing
3. Maybe I should...
Run around the office naked. Oh wait, as previously stated, my ex is 20 feet away. No need for that drama.
4. I love...
Diet Coke
5. My bestfriend/s...
Are either in Bako or at an Al Green concert right now. Or scattered throughout the world.
6. I don't understand...
People who are mean to look cool. I don't think mean people are cool. Why throw scripts? WHY?
7. I lost...
My appetite. Like a week ago. If you've seen it, please return to me. Thanks.
8. People say...
They will change. In my experience, they will not.
9. The meaning of my screen name is...
Passionate peace. An oxymoron, get it? Eh, I got it when I was 12 and I don't want to change it now.
10. Love is...
Utterly amazing.
11. Somewhere, someone is doing...
Something more fun than what I am doing. Guaranteed.
12. I will always...
Love you-oooo! And I will always... sorry. Whitney Houston just came out there a little. My bad.
13. Forever seems...
far away.
14. I never want to....
Fail at something I care about.
15. My mobile phone....
Kicks ass!
16. When I wake up in the morning...
I snooze my alarm. Three times.
17. I get annoyed when...
people sniff or chew gum loudly. I don't know why.
18. I am....
ready to go home. But I will probably be here at least another hour and a half.
19. My pets are...
Sadie, a lovely puppy, and Emma, a sad, old cat.
20. Kisses are the best when....
They're with someone you care about.
21. Today...
is stressful.
22. Tomorrow I will...
do something fun.
23. I really want...
To write for a living and not be an assistant.
Okay, thanks for indulging me. I am really bored here at work and there is no end to the day in sight. *le sigh*
1. My ex is...
less than 20 feet away. Sweet. <--- I'm sarcasting.
2. I am listening to...
People talking/typing
3. Maybe I should...
Run around the office naked. Oh wait, as previously stated, my ex is 20 feet away. No need for that drama.
4. I love...
Diet Coke
5. My bestfriend/s...
Are either in Bako or at an Al Green concert right now. Or scattered throughout the world.
6. I don't understand...
People who are mean to look cool. I don't think mean people are cool. Why throw scripts? WHY?
7. I lost...
My appetite. Like a week ago. If you've seen it, please return to me. Thanks.
8. People say...
They will change. In my experience, they will not.
9. The meaning of my screen name is...
Passionate peace. An oxymoron, get it? Eh, I got it when I was 12 and I don't want to change it now.
10. Love is...
Utterly amazing.
11. Somewhere, someone is doing...
Something more fun than what I am doing. Guaranteed.
12. I will always...
Love you-oooo! And I will always... sorry. Whitney Houston just came out there a little. My bad.
13. Forever seems...
far away.
14. I never want to....
Fail at something I care about.
15. My mobile phone....
Kicks ass!
16. When I wake up in the morning...
I snooze my alarm. Three times.
17. I get annoyed when...
people sniff or chew gum loudly. I don't know why.
18. I am....
ready to go home. But I will probably be here at least another hour and a half.
19. My pets are...
Sadie, a lovely puppy, and Emma, a sad, old cat.
20. Kisses are the best when....
They're with someone you care about.
21. Today...
is stressful.
22. Tomorrow I will...
do something fun.
23. I really want...
To write for a living and not be an assistant.
Okay, thanks for indulging me. I am really bored here at work and there is no end to the day in sight. *le sigh*
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