And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It is that time of year again...

It is only Tuesday and already it is a stressful week. Tomorrow I find out if I get an interview with Teach for America. I am so nervous. At first, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do it, but now that I have thought about it, talked to people, and found someone to live with in NYC, I really, really want to get it. I can go online and check my application status anytime after 8pm tomorrow night. Ahh!

So, I started my week out on the wrong foot. Sunday night/Monday morning I had the worst stress dreams. I dreamt that I didn't get an interview for Teach for America but everyone else I knew did, even those who didn't apply. I also dreamt that I was being fired from RA because I didn't do any programs for the whole semester. And finally, to round it out, I dreamt that it was the last week of the semester and I hadn't even started writing my thesis and the first chapter was due to my readers. Of course, I have done almost all my programming for the semester and I have 10 pages of my first chapter written, but the dreams still freaked me out. Oh, and I also dreamt that I ran into the guy I like (hehe) and he totally blew me off. So, yeah, it was a great night.

When I woke up yesterday morning after all the crazy, scary dreams, I realized I had slept through not one but TWO meetings. Great. Both people understood, but I hate feeling like a flake. Oh well. It happens.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a rough day. I will be glued to my phone and e-mail, waiting to hear something, anything. I really want to get TFA and move to NYC and live with Catie! But, if it's not meant to be, at least I have other options to fall back on... sort of.

I apologize that my posts are so lame and boring. If I could share some of the juicier stuff with you all, I would, but I can't. Therefore, this is a boring blog, but it is cathartic for me to share my tedious day to day occurances. I hope everyone is having a less hectic week than I am!

Later gators,


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