And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Goodnight and Go by Imogen Heap

For those of you who are sick to death of reading about my thesis, good news: only three (3!) days left of the horrid beast! It's unbelievable.

Quick update about what's new in my life (besides the dreaded T-word, of course): Last Thursday marked my triumphant return to LindyGroove, as I had been absent the previous few weeks. Uncomfortable conversations aside, it was a nice night. Chris celebrated his 23rd birthday and I attempted the birthday dance for the first time since Eric's birthday. I got out there, felt like I was doing all right, and was abruptly whisked away by some guy who thought I was the birthday person. Chris said something to the effect of, "Hey! It's my birthday!" and the guy, looking rather embarrassed, ran off. By this time, Nat had already jumped in, so I slinked off the floor, red-faced. Otherwise, the evening was good.

Saturday I went home so I could celebrate Easter with my parents. It was very nice being home. I bummed around, watched 8 hours of TV straight, and did laundry. Sunday morning my parents and I went to church and I got to sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the choir for the first time since high school. It was nice and I had no idea I could still hit all those high notes. After a delicious, if simple, brunch at Lorene's, I drove home and resumed working.

Sunday night was interesting. I was on duty, pager 2 (which rarely ever gets pages unless it is a super busy night) and I got a page from Campus Safety about 9. Annoyed, thinking "damn lock outs," I grumbled my way over to our neighboring dorm where I discovered a student had just been robbed at gun point in the same parking lot where I park my car. Freaky. In about an hour and a half, Nat, Kirstin, Paige, Jaime, Chelsea and I are hosting a community meeting in the Dorsey living room to address this issue. Gotta love Scripps!

Anyway, I should get back to the proverbial grind, as it were. My next post will be about Portland the beauty that is life after thesis. Hope you all have a great week! And to those other struggling seniors out there, keep your chin up! The end is near!

Peace out!



  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Me said…

    You need to bug Natalie to start a blog so I have more morning reading. Also, I heard the, "Hey, it's my birthday!" story, but didn't realize it was the Birthday Dance. That makes it even more priceless.

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    yeah yeah I enjoyed the birthday dance story. funny funny! Good luck on your thesis & have fun in portland.. tell nat i said hi!


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