And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The stars are out tonight

Well, I was sinking into something of a depression as nothing was happening on the job front for some time. Everything seems to be turning around, however. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the world premier and after party of the movie Employee of the Month. As far as the movie itself, I don't recommend it. It is trying to do for Costco what Office Space did for desk jobs, but it fails. Admittedly, it was better than I expected; however, I would not waste my money on renting or seeing this in theaters. It definitely has a market out there and will do well as a result, but for those of you who read the blog, I am pretty sure you would find it mind numbing.

Anyway, I did not attend this premier for the movie, not by a long shot. I was hoping to see some stars, get some free stuff, and most importantly, network. It would seem that I accomplished all three goals. I will have pictures soon. I saw all the stars of the movie up close and personal (in a few cases, I was either trampled by them or was mistaken as part of their entourage). Jessica Simpson is TINY and very beautiful but very, very fake looking and, according to some friends working the event, not a nice person at all. Dax Shepard is very good looking, which was surprising to me, and Dane Cook was not good looking at all. Harlan Williams wore overalls and Andy Dick looks exactly as I thought he would. I actually saw him a few years ago at a play, but didn't get a good look. Last night, I seemed to keep running into him throughout the party and got several good looks at him and a few smiles from him. I also got to talk with the director, Greg Coolidge, who was very nice and accommodating. I have pictures of a lot of this stuff, and will post as soon as I can get my act together. Perhaps the scariest sightings were those of five (five!) Broder agents, one of whom actually recognized me (or claimed to). It kind of freaked me out that I actually knew people. I also ran into a Scrippsie who graduated with me. Small world. Small town.

Okay, so as for free stuff, movie premier after parties are the place to be. Not only did they have great food, it was also an open bar that boasted only top shelf stuff. Patron was one of the sponsors, so there was an ice bar serving an array of tequila and tequila drinks. Unfortunately, I could not partake as I was driving and I didn't want to take and chances. Good free cranberry juice, though. :) And as if that wasn't enough, everyone got a gift bag with a hat and coasters in it. Weird, but free, so I can't complain.

The best part of the night didn't actually happen until today. I met a publicist last night through Galen and she gave me her card. So, I sent her my resume this morning and she wants me to come in for an interview next week. It's not a job yet, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. After weeks of nothing, it is really nice to have even a nibble. We'll see what happens. Also, the offices are a lot closer than Beverly Hills which means a better commute, although I am getting ahead of myself.

So, that is where I am as of now. Things are looking up. I also started a GRE prep class online today. It's my first online class. So far, it is interesting. I think it will help. I just need something to keep me on track so I will actually study for this damn thing. I hate standardize tests. I am terrible at them. We'll see how this goes. Tomorrow Chris and I leave to go up north and visit people. I am so excited. I haven't been anywhere except LA and Bako since the cruise and I could really use a weekend out of town. New scenery, new people. Good food, good wine, good friends, good times. It is also my first time really meeting Heidi (I don't count the other meetings so much because they were brief and it was bad time for me). And dancing! Hopefully, there will be plenty of dancing!!!!

I know this has been a random post, but I felt that I owed it. I will post about San Francisco and all the pictures from last night sometime this week when I get a chance.



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