And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It will never die. I have to learn to accept that.

So, I get this voicemail on my phone last night from Eric, and it says: "Hey Jess. I just can't get the image of you shimmying out of my mind. So, I thought I would call. Talk to you soon." My inability to shimmy (which I have overcome quite nicely, I would like to point out) has followed me from high school, into college, and now into friendships with people completely outside of Bakersfield. I mean, I am glad that the image of me flailing around like a Muppet on crack makes people laugh, but seriously-- when is it going to die already? I mean, am I going to be on my death bed with someone saying, "C'mon Jess, just once more for old time's sake?" Knowing me, I'd probably do it.


  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger Me said…

    Its just one of those things that will forever live on, and that's the way it should be.

  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    i totally had a dream about shimmying last night, and i think it was in connection with bhs drama

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger David Tellez said…

    Ooooh...your a shimmy-er huh? LOL...hey, tell me there any video proof of that?


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