And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Picture Update

I finally got my act together and uploaded my pictures. Here are pics from the weekend of birthdays, the MAC make up launch, the USC game, and Halloween weekend.



Monday, October 30, 2006

Adventures of the past few weeks

It has been a while since I last posted and a lot has happened. Since most if not all of you have heard most of the details, I will just make this a quick recap.

First, I had the privilege of attending the crew screening/after party of Rob's new movie, Flushed Away. The movie was really fun and I recommend everyone go see it when it comes out this Friday. The party afterward was fantastic. Let me tell you, Dreamworks knows how to throw a mean shindig. Awesome food, location, music, and, of course, company. It was a last minute invite, but I am so glad that Rob thought of me. Good times!

That same weekend was the birthday celebration for Tim's 21st, Becca and Rob's 23rd. I think it is safe to say that Tim had a pretty damn good 21st birthday. Rachel and I ended up living a little vicariously through Tim since our 21st birthdays were on the lame side. The quote page can shed more light on the debauchery of the weekend. I should have pictures of my own soon, but you can go here to check out pictures from that fateful evening (there are other random pictures thrown in there as well).

Monday, October 23rd marked my first venture into event planning with the Los Angeles Fashion Week Wrap-Up Soiree at Cinespace. The day of the event was maybe one of the most stressful days I have ever experienced (which was mostly due to horrible LA traffic), but the event itself went fabulously. I should have pictures from this event relatively soon as well. The fashion show was what I was mostly in charge of, and it went off with very few hitches. Everyone seemed to have a great time and we received a lot of positive feedback. Now on to the next adventure!

Finally, this past weekend was full of Halloween celebration despite the fact that Halloween is actually tomorrow. Chris and I got all dressed up and went to a party thrown by my good friends Tony and Jeny. It was great. The decorations were fabulous and everyone's costumes were awesome. I was impressed that several guests got that Chris was Colombo. In fact, a few of the guests can rival his love for Peter Falk, which made for a lot of Falk impressions. Again, pictures to come. Tomorrow maybe.

Overall, things are going superbly, but busy, which is why I haven't had the opportunity to update much. But, alas, I should probably get back to work. Hope everyone is having a great Monday!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Nose to the Grind

Countdown to Event: 5 days (approximately)

It is crunch time, people. The Los Angeles Fashion Week Wrap-Up Soiree is Monday, October 23rd and we still have a million little things to do. AHHHH! I do know that I will be working for Avid Exposure after this event happens (it's official), but I still want the night to go well. We have all put so much time and effort into this damn thing, it had better be, as Buster would say, "off the hook!" I am looking forward to the event itself (hey, all the Hpnotiq I can drink!), but mostly I just want it to be over and behind me. I feel like I am back in high school and it is a week before opening night of Guys and Dolls and nothing is coming together. I know that opening night is going to be great, but I can't see it yet. It's a good, familiar stress, but I am exhausted.

Unfortunately, I didn't get much rest this past weekend. I had a great time, don't get me wrong, but it was far from relaxing (at least Friday and Saturday). Chris came down Friday after I got off work and we went for a great Spanish dinner at Bar Celona. I have been trying to take him there for a while now, but it was always full. So, we finally got it together. Afterwards, we met up with Rach and Rob and went to this pretty divey bar in Pasadena and hung out. It was so great getting to see Rachel (Rob too, but I saw him more recently). I miss my Bako friends SO MUCH! Why can't all you people move down here and keep my company? I have a fold out couch you can sleep on!

Anyway, Saturday I woke up early and cleaned my place in anticipation of the Burzlaffs. They showed up around 2PM to pick Chris, Dom and I up for the USC/Arizona State football game extravaganza. The only problem was the lack of Dominic. Finally we left without him, instructing him to meet us at the Coliseum for the game. We ended up parking at least a mile and a half away from the Coliseum, but the walk was good. The game was awesome. Too close for comfort, but USC pulled it off in the end (whew!). A great experience for my first "real" football game. I don't count BHS games because I only went to those to hang out with my friends and never actually watched a game. But, I have to say, I don't hate football.

Afterwards, Dom (who got there safely) agreed to meet us at the Yardhouse in Pasadena for dinner. We walked AN HOUR (literally) to our car and got to the restuarant about 9:45. We figured Dom would be there already. Not so much. He calls and tells us that he is lost. He cannot even find the street where he parked his motorcycle. Poor guy ended up wandering around for nearly two hours then drove out to Pasadena for a dinner that last until after midnight. I guess it just goes to show that you should be on time. :)

The dinner itself was awesome. Lots of drinking (unlike any I have done since the last days of college), good food, and great company. It was a blast, but made for a very long day. As a result, Chris and I were pretty lazy on Sunday. We watched movies and Grey's Anatomy season 2. All in all, a fabulous weekend. Which made this week that much harder, getting into a groove and all that. I get home and am so exhausted that all I want to do is zone out or sleep. This weekend isn't looking much more promising for relaxation. I will be traveling to Bakersfield for a plethora of birthdays (Rob, Becs, and Tim), so there will be lots 'o'partying. Good times. I am really looking forward to spending some time with friends/family in a familiar comfortable place. I will also be back for Halloween weekend, which I am also greatly looking forward to.

Well, work beckons so I should get back to the grind. I am glad that I got a few minutes to actually update. Next week, I will post about the partilicious weekend and the event. Wish me luck!


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Celebrity Look-a-Likes

Apparently, this celebrity look-a-like thing has "taken the internet by storm." I can see why. It's fun!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More Pictures

Here are some pictures from this past weekend. Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Addendum to yesterday's post

Again, no one caught my glaring grammatical error in the first few sentences of my post yesterday. I put, "what to right about" when it clearly should have been "what to write about." I blame my increasingly frequent lapses in grammar on hanging out with too many engineers! Yes, that's the ticket...


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It smells like fall!

It seems as though everyone else (including Waiter Rant!) has updated their blog in the last day, so I figured I should follow suit. Let's see... what to right about... Chris updated about this past weekend. It was pretty laid back, which was great. Although Nat, Chris and I were all a little perturbed by the movie on Saturday, The Science of Sleep. The more I think about it, the less I hate it. It was thought-provoking, not boring (well, for the most part), and pretty original. And really, in this day and age of remakes, television on the big screen, and sequels, something fresh, even if it is nonsensical at times, is worth ten bucks. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but I think it was a better way to spend an afternoon than sitting through The Grudge 2, for example.

I have recently gotten very addicted to Veronica Mars season 1. Because of work and other pressing matters, it is taking me longer to get through this than it did to get through Grey's Anatomy season 2, but it makes it last longer, so I am not complaining. Great, great, show. I do recommend this for everyone-- at least everyone who enjoys detective stories (like, say, Columbo?) excellent writing, or great characters. I have a HUGE girl crush on Kristen Bell now. :)

Well, I feel as though I have gone on about nothing long enough. I do have some rather entertaining pictures from this past weekend. I'm sure I'll get around to posting them one of these days.


P.S. I find it ironic that the blogger spell check doesn't recognize "blog" as a word.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Abounding Randomosity

I don't have much to talk about at the moment in either news or observations. I am just kind of bored at work (although I do have actual work pertaining to writing to do) and killing the next hour and a half or so.

One observation, though: I really love the girls I work with. Laura is pretty much the overlord around here, but she is so kind and fun to be around. Such a nice change from my last boss, Max Power. Jasmine, her assistant (kind of) is also super cool. These are the types of girls I want to hang out with outside of work, which is a vastly different attitude than the one I had toward my last bunch of co-workers. It's really nice. I actually enjoy coming to work and enjoy being here. I am just procrastinating for the moment because I am lazy.

Anyway, the other night I spent a good amount of time re-reading my old posts. It made me feel nostalgic and self-obsessed, but it was definitely interesting. I especially enjoyed reading about my incredible stress over thesis. Looking back knowing how it all turned out, I laugh at myself. but, I wonder if I would have done as well if I hadn'y stressed and pushed myself so hard. Probably not.

Well, that is it for now. I am really looking forward to this weekend. Chris is coming down and I have a few ideas in mind for what to do including: a show at the Hotel Cafe, seeing The Science of Sleep, eating a several yummy restaurants, cooking something yummy, and going blues dancing with Nat. We shall see which, if any, of these plans actually comes to fruition.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Orchids in Panama

I was bored and decided that my blog needed a facelift. So, here it is. What do you think?


P.S. I only just noticed that the template is the same as Chris'. Damn! I thought I was being original!