And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Monday, March 31, 2008

I must have a "Please rob me" sticker on my forehead

Can we just talk about the emotional roller coaster I have been on this year so far? It's only March, but already I have had several bad things and several good things happen to me. Let's recap, shall we?

-- Got some bad news regarding my biological brother. It turned out all right in the end, but for a few weeks, it was a little touch and go.
-- Found out that my father's medication (chemo) stopped working, so they had to switch to something else. Of course, this other medication only has a sixth month expectancy. After that, we are back to square one.

-- Apartment broken into.
-- Found out I had two weeks to move out of said apartment if I didn't want to pay fines for breaking my lease (this wasn't all bad, but only having a few days to move sucks).
-- Got engaged (this is definitely a good thing).
-- Started looking for houses.

-- Offer on the house was accepted.
-- Got a sort of promotion at work.
-- Had a kick ass engagement party.
-- Started my traineeship in the clinic at CSUB (I will be seeing clients this coming week).
-- Found out my biological brother's baby was born. I have another niece!
-- Had my car broken into. Bye bye iPod. We had a good run.

So, there you go. Some good, some bad. When it is all mixed in with intense school work, work, and regular life stuff, it can be stressful, to say the least.

I can't wait to see what else the universe has to throw at me! Bring it on!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back to the rat race

School has started back up again. Joy. Break was definitely not long enough. I ended up getting sick last Tuesday, which put me out of commission for a few days. If I get sick during my break, I think it is only fair that I get those days back. By my count, then, I shouldn't be starting school up until Thursday. I guess I don't really get to make the rules, though. Oh well.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week from Hell

Adult and Family Development
Research Methods
Cognitive Intervention
Behavioral Intervention
Treatment Planning