And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ya dig?

Every once in awhile, I am reminded of the life I used to live. Back in college, before my dad was sick, I was a different person than I am today. Honestly, I wasn't a very happy person as I was in a place where I was just trying to figure myself out. I experimented with different types of personas, but just before my senior year of college, all of that changed. I couldn't tell you what it was exactly that happened, but it was kind of like I woke up one morning and my priorities had changed. I felt different. Since then, my life has taken many unexpected twists and turns, mostly for the better, and I wouldn't change where I am now for anything. I have a wonderful group of friends and family, and I feel closer to them and more comfortable with myself than ever before.

That said, once in a blue moon, I find myself in a situation where it feels like the old days. I don't mind it at all. It is fun to loose myself in a situation and feel like I am back to my old self. It is comfortable and familiar. But it always leaves me feeling both empty and a little sad even though I am so grateful for where I have ended up.

Tonight, driving back to Pasadena from Ranch Cucamonga (spelling?), I had time to ponder who I am and how I got here. It was nice to reflect on who I was and who I am now. The past is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Peace out...

Veronica Mars. You're first and second seasons were wonderfully dark, but humorous. Your third season floundered like a fish out of water until the CW finally put you out of your misery. It is true that college is not for everyone. However, I will always hold a special place in my heart for you, Neptune, Keith, and, alas, even Logan. Your life was cut short, but perhaps if Rob Thomas had written more season three episodes, you might have lived on.

You join the ranks of other wonderful, yet neglected shows. You are in good company.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'Tis the season

It's that time of year again when all my shows are drawing to a close. Thus, I have been glued to the TV (or computer) more or less all week. This week are the following finales:

America's Next Top Model
The Office
Grey's Anatomy

Next week is:
The Bachelor
Veronica Mars (not 100% sure about this one)

So, I am pretty much booked Thursday and Monday night. I love this time of the television season because most of the season finales are interesting and always leave me wanting more. However, it is always depressing for the same reason (they are good and I am sad that I have to wait THREE WHOLE MONTHS until I get any satisfaction). One good thing about reality TV is that when a season is done, it's done. There is no waiting around to see what happens. That's nice, unless you don't like the outcome.

Anyway, that is about it. I gave notice at Gap and my last day is officially Wednesday, May 30. I am moving out on Saturday, June 2. If anyone is interested in helping me move, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. I will also buy you a meal!

As far as school goes, I am currently stuck in registrar hell. Grrr...

Also, I have the best, most romantic boyfriend in the world. Just had to share that. :)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Battle wounds

When I told people I would be going into retail (for the time being), I heard about it all. The rude customers, hours on your feet, frusterating schedules. However, no one told me about the potential injuries I would undoubtedly withstand from doing nothing more than coming around the counter to help a customer.

The sad fact is, though, that most people are probably not as clumsy as I am. Since starting my job at the Gap, I have been covered, head to toe (literally, I had a bump on my head and a blister on my toe at the same time) with cuts and bruises. I've walked into the front counter more time than I care to admit, walked into every display shelf in our store, plus several extra ones in the back, and knocked my head on the handle of the dressing room door (don't ask). Why didn't anyone warn me that retail could be potentially fatal for an accident prone individual such as myself?

It probably goes without saying that my clumsiness extends into my life beyond the land of sweaters and khakis (Gap). But this past weekend, I managed to take my klutziness to new heights. Chris made a wonderful lamb dinner for the two of us and, in the span of that evening, I managed to spill pretty much the entire salad on the floor (did you know that arugula will stick to the wall under the right circumstances?) and an entire glass of wine all over his tablecloth, chair, and floor. Dear lord. My only, pathetic, defense would be that I'd had some wine. Okay, a lot of wine, but still.

I attempted to remove the stain with OxyClean, but I am not sure if my efforts were fruitful. On the upside, Chris's otherwise boring, old brown carpet will now be a lovely shade of purple. At least, in some places.

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