And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The vacation of a lifetime

In four hours and forty-five minutes, Chris and I leave for our honeymoon in St. Lucia. I can't wait. This has been, probably, the hardest year of my life. It has also been one of the best years, but we both definitely deserve a long vacation.

In preparation for this trip, I bought eight books that I would never have to read for school. I must admit, the one I am most excited to devour is Twilight. I have heard so much, and I am just curious what the big deal is about it all. I am just excited to be able to read for fun again. :)

We also spent a grip of money at Longs Drugs. I never realized how much fun drug stores can be. It is really easy to get carried away! But, no matter what happens, we are covered.

I will make sure and post (appropriate) pictures when we get back. Yay!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Five

I have four finals I should be working on. Instead, I thought I would post and procrastinate. Go me!

1. What made you happy this week?
I had a patient at work make a very big, positive step. Whether I had anything to do with it or not is irrelevant. He needed something positive to happen for him.

2. What made you sad?
Watch as my father slowly loses his mind.

3. What made you angry?
Having to waste two hours of my time in a class that was totally pointless.

4. What are you looking forward to in the next week?
Leaving for my honeymoon on Friday!!!

5. What are you not looking forward to?
Stressing about finishing my finals.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Picture round up!

Here are some pictures I have gathered from random sources from the wedding. Enjoy!

July Wedding
Wedding Shower
Pre-Wedding Festivities and Wedding
Post-Wedding Brunch