I have been making a huge effort to improve my eating habits. This has come mostly in the form of swapping out less healthy items for more healthy items. A few weeks ago at work I lead a group about nutrition and I learned a few things. That coupled with the doctor telling me my blood sugar was way too low and I didn't eat enough protein, I have overhauled. Here are a few things I love and would like to share with you.
Easy to make, delicious, and ridiculously healthy, this ancient grain can be substituted for rice or couscous. It is a perfect protein.
Sprouted Wheat Bread
Again with the perfect protein. Actually, this tastes remarkably similar to wheat bread and packs a super healthy punch of fiber and protein. Plus, it'll keep you full for HOURS. More bang for your buck!
This stuff tastes like liquidy yogurt with a punch. It is delicious (if you like yogurt, I guess) and has tons of protein (do you see a theme here?)
Anyway, these are a few things I am excited about at the moment. I'm not even sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but I guess I can use it for my own reference in the future! :)

Sprouted Wheat Bread


Anyway, these are a few things I am excited about at the moment. I'm not even sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but I guess I can use it for my own reference in the future! :)