And then there is no mystery left...

My innermost thoughts and feelings... beware!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just call me Sir Edmund Hillary

Every couple weeks, a pile of laundry accumulates at the foot of our bed so large that I start to think I am going to need a belayer to tackle it (yes, I had to look up belay on Wikipedia, but, in my defense, I at least knew what I was looking up!).

Anyway, it always takes a few hours (or days, depending on how lazy I feel) to wash and put away all the laundry. And every time, I promise myself that I will not let it get this bad again. I will do small loads more frequently and promptly put everything in its rightful place as it comes out of the drier. This never happens.

So, I am off, once again, to climb my Bounce-scented Everest. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Amsterdam Classsic

This is my graduation present from Chris. For those of you bike riders out there, now I can tag along!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I have been making a huge effort to improve my eating habits. This has come mostly in the form of swapping out less healthy items for more healthy items. A few weeks ago at work I lead a group about nutrition and I learned a few things. That coupled with the doctor telling me my blood sugar was way too low and I didn't eat enough protein, I have overhauled. Here are a few things I love and would like to share with you.

Easy to make, delicious, and ridiculously healthy, this ancient grain can be substituted for rice or couscous. It is a perfect protein.

Sprouted Wheat Bread
Again with the perfect protein. Actually, this tastes remarkably similar to wheat bread and packs a super healthy punch of fiber and protein. Plus, it'll keep you full for HOURS. More bang for your buck!

This stuff tastes like liquidy yogurt with a punch. It is delicious (if you like yogurt, I guess) and has tons of protein (do you see a theme here?)

Anyway, these are a few things I am excited about at the moment. I'm not even sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but I guess I can use it for my own reference in the future! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Newest Burzlaff

You might not realize it, but this is a picture of the best dog in the entire world. Of course, I could be biased, but I really don't think so. He's sweet, cuddly, hilariously funny, and never barks. And did I mention smart? And possibly a little spoiled...

Wilson has been with us for a little over two months now and he has totally settled into his role of king of the house. Chris and I are both okay with this, though, since his early life was so traumatic. He deserves a little spoiling from here on out. Back story: he was rescued from a puppy mill in July 2008 and we adopted him in February 2009. He had a lot of recovering to do at his foster mother's house, and still had a lot to learn when he came to us. Now, though, he has gained tons of confidence and lost most of the fears he had when he first came to California. We are so proud of him!

For more about Wilson's rescue and the rescue of the other Castaways (as dubbed by the rescue society), check out this blog. Scroll down to the bottom and read up. Sweet story!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Five Things

Five things you will find if you open my purse.
1. Wallet
2. Cell phone
3. iPod
4. Check book
5. Us Weekly magazine

Five things in my bedroom
1. Big bed!
2. Television
3. Pictures from Europe
4. Books
5. Lamps

Five things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
1. Cut my hair really short
2. Write and perform a song on the guitar
3. Have something published nationally
4. Live abroad
5. Be an actress

Five things that make me very happy
1. Chris
2. Helping others (I know that is totally cheesy)
3. Spending time with friends
4. Reading trashy magazines (hence, the Us Weekly in my purse)
5. Neil Patrick Harris :)

Five things I’m currently into
1. Solution-focused therapy
2. Reading Sue Grafton mysteries
3. House (the TV show)
4. Hosting/organizing events with friends
5. Upbeat music

Five things on my To-Do list
1. Change the sheets
2. Laundry
3. School work
4. Prepare a lesson plan for the group I am leading next week
5. Clean the kitchen floors

Five things some people may or may not know about you
1. I will not eat cucumbers.
2. I met President Bush (the first, less overtly evil one)
3. I was bald until I was 2.
4. I sing out loud in my car-- all the time.
5. I am a substance abuse counselor.

Five most important moments of 2008
1. My father passing away
2. Getting married (twice!)
3. Starting my job at Aegis
4. Having surgery on my finger/wearing a cast for 3 weeks
5. Going to St. Lucia for our honeymoon

Five things you enjoy doing during your free time
1. Watching TV
2. Sleeping
3. Reading
4. Cooking
5. Playing games with friends

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Save Broadway!

This is a must watch, especially for theater geeks.

P.S. I want to have Neil Patrick Harris' babies. Chris knows and is OK with this.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Resolutions: 2009

1. Be more physically active
2. Eat healthier
3. Get a job in the mental health field after graduation
4. Get a puppy!!!

Yeah, I know no one really cares about my new years resolutions, but I felt as though I needed the accountability to myself to see them in print.